TxDOT Awards The T More Than $500,000 To Expand Fort Worth Bike Share Program
August 1,2013
Transportation Enhancement grant to fund 10-station, 100-bike expansion
The Fort Worth Transportation Authority (The T) received a $554,610 grant through the Texas Department of Transportation’s Transportation Enhancement Program.
The T’s application was chosen by the Texas Transportation Commission and announced on Friday, July 26. The T project was one of 81 projects awarded statewide receiving a total of $91 million.
The grant will fund the purchase of 10 new bike share stations and 100 bike share bicycles. The grant can only be used toward capital expenses. Operating expenses incurred by the addition of the new stations and bicycles will be covered through a combination of sponsorships, advertising, memberships and usage fees.
Fort Worth B-Cycle launched on Earth Day, April 22, 2013 with 300 bicycles and 27 stations. Three stations have since been added, bringing the current total to 30.
The 10 new stations will expand and fill in the gaps of the current system service area. Specific locations have yet to be determined. The stations will be installed as early as February 2014.
Fort Worth Bike Sharing is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in charge of operating the Fort Worth B-Cycle system. The concept began within the The T and the transportation authority remains an active partner.
The initial 30 stations were funded by a $1 million grant from the Federal Transit Administration’s State of Good Repair and Bus Livability program received on July 23, 2012, just over one year ago.
The latest addition to the bike sharing stations was marked with a ribbon cutting ceremony for the station at City Place (Throckmorton St. & W. 2nd St.) on July 17, 2013. The Fort Worth B-Cycle bike sharing system is expected to expand by another three to five stations this summer. Two of those stations are: Higginbotham (Lamar St. & W. 13th St.) and West 7th Station (W. 7th & Norwood St.)
To watch an video on how to use the bike sharing program, click here.
Media Contact: Nick Olivier, 210-386-9013, nick@fortworthbikesharing.org
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