Tax Increment Finance District (TIF)

The TIF (Tax Increment Finance District) helps provide public improvements in Downtown. The Downtown TIF is a collaborative effort between the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Tarrant County College District, and the Tarrant County Regional Water District. Established in 1996, the TIF is managed by Downtown Fort Worth, Inc.
The TIF captures incremental tax dollars over the base year’s collections and uses those funds consistent with the TIF project and financing plan.
What does the Downtown TIF do?
- Attracts investments by assisting with public infrastructure improvement costs
- Improves transit
- Supports tourism and convention business
- Creates an environment to attract office, retail and residential development
- Provides free night and weekend parking in select Downtown garages
TIF District Board
Councilmember Elizabeth Beck, Chair, City of Fort Worth
Councilmember Jared Williams, Vice-Chair
Pamela Anglin, Tarrant County College
Commissioner Roy C. Brooks, Tarrant County
Johnny Campbell, City Center Fort Worth
Rep. Nicole Collier, Texas House of Representatives
Shannon Fletcher, JPS Health Network
Senator Kelly Hancock, District 9
Leah King, TRWD
For more information about the Tax Increment Financing District, please contact Matt Beard at