Downtown Banner Program

Thousands of people live, work, and play in Fort Worth every day. The Downtown Fort Worth Banner Program is an excellent way for your non-profit organization to reach this very desirable audience. Administered by Downtown Fort Worth, Inc., the Banner Program provides display space on Main, Throckmorton, and Houston Streets. After reviewing the eligibility and requirements below, please apply here.
Display Time
Banners may be reserved for as little as two weeks and up to 90 days. Reservations for banner display time slots should be made at least three months in advance. Some exceptions will apply. The City of Fort Worth makes the final determination (based on availability). Banners that do not meet the banner requirements, or do not withstand the physical elements will be removed without refund.
Eligibility: only a non/not-for-profit organization may display banners.
- Banners are restricted to the promotion of special events/exhibits to be held on a specific date (or dates.)
- Banners may be displayed no more than two weeks prior to the start of the event.
- Banners not promoting a date-specific event may be displayed for 90 days.
- Banners will be professionally installed and removed by DFWI. DFWI is not liable for banners stolen or damaged while on display.
- Allowed Usage
- City of Fort Worth-hosted events.
- Events sponsored/co-sponsored by the City of Fort Worth.
- Events which support or attract tourism, are open to the public, and benefit the city.
- Events being held at the Fort Worth Convention Center, Will Rogers Complex, Dickies Arena, or major colleges and universities.
- Welcome messages for those attending conventions, conferences, and other city-wide events.
- Identify and promote public improvement districts or other particular City of Fort Worth districts.
- Promote educational institutions including universities, colleges, and public and private schools.
- Prohibited Usage - Banners that are prohibited include, but are not limited to, the
following:- Promotion of a profit-generating activity by a commercial enterprise,
including direct or indirect sales of goods and/or services. (commercial advertising) - Messages with political, religious, or public issue advertising.
- Messages with profane language or personal attacks.
- Messages that promote, foster, or perpetuate unlawful discrimination.
- Messages that advocate illegal activity.
- Messages that infringe on copyrights or trademarks.
- Messages that may compromise the safety, security, or proceedings of public systems.
- Any banner which would constitute a hazard to traffic or safety. Including, but not limited to, the words "stop," "look," "danger," "drive-in," or any other words or graphics that could negatively impact traffic or public safety are not allowed.
- Any other use that would violate a local, state, and/or federal law or regulation.
- Promotion of a profit-generating activity by a commercial enterprise,
Application Process
- Applications must be submitted at least 90 days before the desired reservation date.
- Required documentation includes:
- Purpose of event
- Date of event
- Sample of banner design/content
- Identification of any sponsorship/commercial logos
- Proof of non-profit status
Approval and Denial of Application
- Approval
- Sole authority of TPW Director to approve design, content, and installation of banners.
- Applicants can expect review and approval within ten business days of submission.
- Denial
- Any denied banner displays may be appealed in writing to the City Manager for final determination.
- Appeals must be received within five business days of denial by the TPW Director.
Banner Requirements
- Made of flag nylon with finished edges
- Finished size must be 25”x56”
- Must be screen printed on one side
- Must have a 2-1/2” closed sleeve on the top for a 1” diameter pole with one grommet on top and bottom of the inside edge, closest to the pole.
- Top and bottom grommet to be reinforced
- Banner should be produced by using the highest quality material available
- Commercial logo may not exceed 10% of banner
Installation & Storage
- After display and removal, you may pick up your banners or DFWI will provide storage for an additional fee of $150.00.
- Banner Application and Contract must be signed and returned before banner reservations are confirmed.
- Final invoice must be paid in full before installation.
Click here for Downtown Banner Program Display Fees
For questions or concerns, please contact KayLee Pratt.