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Sundance Square's Celebration Moved Indoors
Abraham Alexander Oscar Nomination Celebration moved to 310 Houston Street Read More
Road Closures Sunday, February 23 for The Cowtown Marathon. Expect Delays in and around Downtown. Read More

Downtown Design Standards

In 2001, DFWI Championed the creation of the Downtown Urban Guidelines as a way to ensure quality design in Downtown. In 2009, the guidelines were strengthened to standards with supporting guidelines and codified as the Downtown Urban Design Standards and Guidelines (DUDSG). The DUDSG are revisited with community stakeholders every two years to reflect the current conditions and expectations of the community. The most recent update was completed in 2016.

Downtown Fort Worth strives to build upon its image as the most vibrant, walkable, mixed-use urban center in the region by focusing on exceptional design of both private and public places. The DUDSG are meant to improve and protect the appearance, value, and function of Downtown properties and the public realm. The DUDSG allow for creativity and variety within a framework of basic design parameters that reinforce the best attributes of Downtown.  

Download the Design Standards here. 


Applicants submit applications to the City of Fort Worth here. Once applications have been reviewed, applicants are invited to present their projects to the DFWI Design Review Committee. The committee makes recommendations to the City of Fort Worth Downtown Design Review Board (DDRB). Applicants may ask for waivers and are encouraged to build the best possible project. 

Staff Review:

DFWI and city staff work closely to facilitate the design review process. Staff work with applicants throughout the process to help identify issues that may be a concern at the DDRB hearing. If application meets the DUDSG, it may be approved administratively. 

DFWI Design Review Committee:

This committee is comprised of volunteer DFWI members with an expertise in design, planning, engineering, or property management. The committee meets monthly to review cases before applicants present at DDRB. Applicants are invited to present their applications, receive feedback and recommendations from the committee. 

For more information, or to schedule a meeting with DFWI, please contact Melissa Konur, Planning Director, DFWI. 

Downtown Design Review Board:

In 2001, the City of Fort Worth City Council created the DDRB to enforce the DUDSG for new construction and renovations in Downtown. The DDRB is comprised of design professionals, Downtown stakeholders, developers, and Downtown residents. The balance of perspectives help to ensure that the objectives of the DUDSG are met. The DDRB meets monthly, click here for meeting calendar.