Provide input on regional transportation programs
May 2,2022
See full City of Fort Worth article here.
The North Central Texas Council of Governments will host a hybrid virtual and in-person meeting to gain residents’ input on regional transportation initiatives.
The meeting will be at noon on Monday, May 9, at NCTCOG headquarters, 616 Six Flags Drive in Arlington. Attend in person or attend the meeting via phone by dialing 855-925-2801, then code 6341.
These are the presentations:
Mobility 2045 Update and 2022 Transportation Conformity. One of the primary responsibilities of a Metropolitan Planning Organization is the development and maintenance of a Metropolitan Transportation Plan. NCTCOG staff has initiated the development of an update to the current Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Mobility 2045, and will provide an overview of the draft plan materials.
Proposed awards from EV charging station call for projects. Staff will give an update on funding recommendations from the NCTCOG Electric Vehicle Charging Station Call for Projects April 22 application deadline.
AV2.1: Preparing for Emerging Transportation Technology with Local Partners. In 2021, work began on NCTCOG’s regional planning exercise looking at future mobility development in the region — AV2.1: Planning for Local Partners. In May, NCTCOG staff will present an update on the status of the project, including information about early scenario development efforts, public outreach initiatives and educational materials in development for interested school districts.
East/west funding formula update. With the passage of each new transportation funding bill, the funding distributions between the eastern and western portions of the Dallas-Fort Worth region are re-evaluated. An overview of the process for establishing the funding split and the proposed new splits for both mobility and air quality funds will be provided for review and comment.
2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program. The Transportation Improvement Program is a federally and state-mandated list of transportation projects with committed federal, state and local funding in a four-year period. Staff will present an overview of the Transportation Improvement Program development process and provide a final list of projects with funding in FY 2023-2026 and the Transportation Improvement Program document for review and comment.
Parking garage policy and projects. NCTCOG staff has been working with several cities across the region on funding partnerships for parking garages in proximity to transit stations. An overview of the proposed policy pertaining to parking garage funding requests along with proposed projects will be presented for review and comment.
To request a free roundtrip ride between NCTCOG and the Trinity Railway Express CentrePort/DFW Airport Station, call 817-704-2510 or email at least 72 hours before the meeting.