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Molly the Trolley Makes a Comeback

October 8,2021

See full NBC DFW article by Deborah Ferguson here.

The beloved Molly the Trolley will roll through downtown Fort Worth once again starting Sunday after being on hiatus during the pandemic.

Molly is a vintage-look trolley that travels from the Fort Worth Convention Center to Sundance Square about every 15 minutes. The free ride is available seven days a week from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m.

Molly also serves Trinity Metro’s Fort Worth Central Station, giving passengers access to commuter rail, Amtrak, inner-city and inter-state bus service and rental car services.

The cost of operating Molly is partially subsidized by Visit Fort Worth, Downtown Fort Worth Inc. and Sundance Square.

It's named Molly after the longhorn mascot that symbolizes the city of Fort Worth's roots in the cattle industry.

Locations Mentioned: Fort Worth Central Station, Fort Worth Convention Center, Sundance Square Plaza