Mayor Price Launches FitWorth Campaign
March 5,2013
Join Mayor
Betsy Price in
Burnett Park this Thursday, 1:00pm for
FitWorth, a new 15-minute fitness campaign which supports a culture of healthy family decision-making about nutrition and physical activity and encourages area employers to off
er 15-minute activity breaks during regular business hours to all employees.
Join Oncor, Bank of America, XTO Energy, City of Fort Worth and other local employers at the kickoff rally. Enoy a 15-minute fitness walk, local marching bands, yoga, Zumba, boot camp and free health screenings. Get your free Fit 15 workout towel, while supplies last.
Foundation for Wellness is a collaborative organization, filing for 501c3 status, that houses Healthy City initiatives like FitWorth, FitWorth Kids, Food for Thought and the Mayor’s Weekly Tour de Fort Worth Bike Rides. FitWorth is a movement intended to inspire a community wide culture shift to improve health in and around Fort Worth. By coordinating existing resources, informing our community and creating opportunities for people to make healthier choices we will significantly increase healthy behaviors in our community. Government officials around the U.S. are recognizing the link between high obesity rates and the vitality of a city or region. Fort Worth’s status as a productive economic engine, a healthy hometown, and desirable destination are dependent on the near-term and sustainable choices we make to raise awareness and create opportunities for increased physical activity and proper nutrition. Learn more at