Learn more about the Downtown Fort Worth's Urban Design Standards and Guidelines
January 12,2021
Downtown Fort Worth strives to build upon its image as the most vibrant, walkable, mixed-use urban center in the region by focusing on exceptional design of both private and public places. The Downtown Urban Design Standards and Guidelines (DUDSG) are meant to improve and protect the appearance, value, and function of Downtown properties and the public realm. The DUDSG allow for creativity and variety within a framework of basic design parameters that reinforce the best attributes of Downtown.
The Downtown Design Review Board (DDRB) is charged with handling hearings and determinations of applications for Certificates of Appropriateness prior to obtaining a building permit for construction of a new structure, expansion or remodeling or other alterations of the first and/or second floor of an existing structure, signage, and construction of a surface parking lot. In addition, the DDRB is charged with making recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on ordinances that may impact Downtown; including any proposed amendments to the DUDSGs. DFWI’s Design Review Committee provides a recommendation to the DDRB. Both the DDRB and the DFWI Design Review Committee meet monthly. Staff is available to consult further.
If you have a project that you would like to discuss, please contact Melissa Konur at melissa@dfwi.org or Sevanne Steiner, at sevanne.steiner@fortworthtexas.gov for guidance.
The DDRB calendar and standards can be found on the City of Fort Worth website here.