Get Involved in Plan 2023
December 19,2011
Every 10 years, Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. (DFWI) partners with the City and The T to update the Downtown Strategic Action Plan. The plan is actively used as a tool to prioritize and guide downtown policy decisions and planning initiatives for the three partners. It is also incorporated into the City’s comprehensive plan and implemented through a series of committees and public/private partnerships.
The new Strategic Action Plan will reflect the community’s vision for a livable, healthy, economically vibrant and exciting downtown for the next 10 years. The plan will build on downtown’s existing natural, cultural, social and physical assets. It will provide a strong foundation for strategic actions that will shape downtown’s future development, enhance connections to surrounding neighborhoods and strengthen downtown’s role as the heart of the city.
Currently, we are requesting a qualified consulting firm to update the 2003 Strategic Action Plan by preparing a new 10-Year Strategic Action Plan for Downtown Fort Worth.
The Consultant will be expected to provide a full range of professional services to support the development of a Strategic Action Plan, including expertise in land use planning, transportation planning, public participation, and housing and economic analysis.
To view the Request For Qualifications, click here.