Fort Worth is replacing water lines across downtown. Expect closures on these streets
March 5,2025
See full Fort Worth Star-Telegram article by Jaime Moore-Carrillo here.
Expect two years’ worth of road closures across the western portion of downtown Fort Worth.
Construction crews on March 3 officially began digging up and replacing worn cast iron pipes crisscrossing beneath sections of West Lancaster Avenue, Summit Avenue and other connected streets. The city expects to finish the project by 2027.
The city will spend the first few months of construction unearthing water lines under these roads, according to a press release:
▪ Florence Street between West Lancaster Avenue and West 13th Street.
▪ West 13th Street between Florence and Henderson streets.
▪ West Lancaster Avenue from Florence Street to Summit Avenue.
▪ Collier Street between West Lancaster Avenue and Texas Street.
The city says it will hook up businesses linked to newly severed water lines with temporary water service until construction wraps up, billing users based on “historical usage data.”
The water mains scheduled for replacement are among the nearly 800 miles of around century-old iron pipes ferrying water across the city. The network is notoriously fragile. Fort Worth recorded 378 water line breaks in 2023.