Cowtown Marathon moves to new date in May 2021
August 27,2020
See full City of Fort Worth article here.
Cowtown Marathon organizers decided to move the 2021 weekend race dates and adjust all race weekend activities in response to ongoing pandemic concerns.
The Cowtown will now take place May 8, 2021, shifting from the traditionally scheduled last weekend in February. In-person races will occur on May 8 at Will Rogers Memorial Center and will only include a 5K, 10K, Half Marathon and the Healthy Hig Half Marathon Relay. The Cowtown will offer virtual options to run the Kids 5K, Full Marathon and Ultra Marathon; there will be no in-person races for these distances.
“Rather than cancel this uniquely Fort Worth event, we’re committed to producing The Cowtown on a May 2021 date to accommodate social distancing, consolidate in-person events to one day and serve our loyal participants,” said Cowtown Executive Director Heidi Swartz. “Celebrating 43 years, the tradition continues, just in a different way due to the circumstances we all face.”
In lieu of running the Kids 5K onsite at Will Rogers, Cowtown will offer virtual and school-specific runs. Details will be communicated to school teams.
If a registered runner is unable to attend in-person on May 8, they are offered options for virtual participation or deferral to the 2022 or 2023 events.
“We feel this is the best course of action given the current public health circumstances and the tradition of Cowtown hosting the best possible, safest race in Texas,” Swartz said.