Active Transportation Plan Public Meeting
March 8,2018
The City of Fort Worth, North Central Texas Council of Governments, Streams & Valleys, Tarrant Regional Water District, and Blue Zones Fort Worth are joining forces to make our transportation and recreation options better than ever. Together, they are updating the City’s bicycle and pedestrian plans, creating the first trails master plan, and studying the Trinity River and Trails network.
Please take a moment to complete their survey, and share the survey and public meetings widely with your networks!
Direct Survey Link:
The City of Fort Worth will also be holding public meetings on the Active Transportation Plan. Residents, business owners, and anyone interested in shaping the future of Fort Worth’s citywide bike and pedestrian network are encouraged to come out to the first of several Active Transportation Plan public meetings. Learn more about the Active Transportation Plan project, share your vision for walking and bicycling in Fort Worth, and provide input on current conditions and desired improvements.
Public Meeting Details:
March 20, 6pm
Central Library
500 W 3rd Street