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Road Closures Sunday, February 23 for The Cowtown Marathon. Expect Delays in and around Downtown. Read More

Plan 2033 - Downtown Strategic Action Plan

Plan 2033 is the 4th consecutive Downtown Fort Worth 10-year Strategic Plan.

The year-long planning process included personal interviews with key stakeholders, special interest group work sessions, committee meetings, public meetings, and online idea harvesting. City and County government staff, Trinity Metro staff, and DFWI staff collaborated with the Interface Studio consultant team to refine the tremendous amount of input into this updated vision for Downtown.

Plan 2033 builds on our core objectives for Downtown (Efficient, Clean, Safe, Friendly, and at night, Romantic) and the successes of past plans and redevelopment initiatives. It identifies catalytic projects in various implementation stages and future objectives that stakeholders can achieve together.

The Plan 2033 Vision:
“Downtown Fort Worth is a vibrant, competitive destination for businesses, visitors, and residents that capitalizes on its history, culture, and authenticity, a center of connectivity, learning, creativity, entrepreneurship, and livability.”

This vision statement describes a vibrant and broadly diverse downtown, an active mixed-use district that leans on its unique characteristics to appeal to user groups as varied as corporate offices, hotels, restaurants, and live theater to higher education, retail shops, residents, and recreation seekers.

To accomplish this more successfully than we already do, the plan’s action elements, goals, and outcomes are organized within four primary overarching goals:

Livable Neighborhoods - in and around Downtown 
Diversified Economy - ensuring a broad economic base and resilience against market disruptions
Great and Distinctive Places - improving the built environment and open spaces
Seamless Connections - thoughtfully connecting people within and to the heart of the city

We encourage you to read Plan 2033 and find your place in it. You may be a volunteer, supporter, implementor, or catalyst. Regardless of your role, you are essential to the advancement of Downtown, whether that movement is a step or a leap forward.

Download PLAN 2033 here

For information on how you can be involved, call or email Becky Fetty, 817-870-1692 or