At the top of the Bluff, isolated from the rest of Downtown and the Trinity River below, the National Register-listed Heritage Plaza has been closed and fenced off from the public since 2007.
Paddock Park, a City and County-owned designated public park at the base of the Tarrant County Courthouse, is used as nothing more than a traffic median.

After years of planning, the Heritage and Paddock Parks Project will reopen the Plaza, bring life to Paddock Park and the north side of the Courthouse, create more Downtown parks and public spaces, activate the Bluff itself, celebrate our history, connect Downtown to the river, and—finally—complete the north end of Downtown. More than $43M has been raised for the $55M project.

Heritage Park Plaza was designed and built to celebrate the founding of Fort Worth. Its location, on the high Bluff of the Trinity River, is on the site of the outpost built by the US Army in 1849. The Plaza was built to commemorate the US Bicentennial, but in 2007, it was closed for safety reasons.
Since then, the Lawrence Halprin-designed plaza has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and community leaders have been working not only on its thoughtful refurbishment and reopening but addressing the challenges that kept it from being successful.
Those challenges are:
- Daunting Weatherford Street and Belknap Street crossings
- Paddock Park is an unused barrier with no activity
- The “forecourt” of Heritage Park Plaza is intimidating and uninviting
- The Plaza lacks visibility from the street
- Intimidating lack of visibility into and out of the Plaza
- Plaza/Bluff isolation on the northern edge of Downtown
- Poor connection to the river and trails below
To address these shortcomings and enhance the Heritage Park Plaza environment, plans for Heritage and Paddock Park improvements include:
Courthouse Pedestrian Improvements
Funding from the North Central Texas Council of Governments and Tarrant County Precinct District 1 Transportation funds will reduce the crossing distances of Weatherford and Belknap streets at the four corners of the Courthouse. Street signalization will be upgraded, and Belknap Street will be resurfaced.

Paddock Park
Paddock Park, a rare public green space Downtown that serves today as an unremarkable traffic median, will be reconfigured into a new, elegant park space at the foot of the historic Tarrant County Courthouse. The renovation envisions expanding the space by nearly a half acre by capturing the "bailout lane" and the concrete triangle into the park itself. Plans also include grading the slope for ADA access, decks, lighting, a waterfall, and a shallow pool. The park will be landscaped and furnished, adding significantly to the Downtown inventory of programmable public space while creating a significant new attraction at the base of the Courthouse and a critical link between Heritage Park Plaza, the river, and the rest of Downtown.

The Forecourt
The Forecourt will welcome visitors to Heritage Park Plaza with more apparent sight lines, improved landscape and hardscape features, better lighting, softer materials, and a more formal sense of arrival. From the Forecourt, guests can see into the more open Heritage Park Plaza, creating a sense of curiosity and exploration – a much different experience than the imposing Plaza walls currently provide.

The Promenade
The Promenade begins the visitor passage to the high bluff and the west entry of the Plaza. The Promenade will provide shaded seating areas for park visitors and, combined with the Foyer, serve as a pre-function reception area for events. This pedestrian extension of Houston Street can host caterers and food trucks, creating a central "food court" for the entire Heritage and Paddock Park experience.

The Foyer
The Foyer provides the first bluff-top views and links the Promenade and Heritage Park Plaza. Anchored by an artistically transformed, monumental Oncor vault, it adds another seating or performance area. The Foyer can also serve as a place for food and drink stations for events held in the Plaza or as an event or dining space in its own right.

The Balcony
The Balcony is a significant new public space Downtown. It offers one of the few places where the general public can appreciate an elevated view in Fort Worth. The Balcony will work in concert with the Foyer, Plaza, and Promenade and will be equipped with romantic decorative lighting, electricity, and other features for event production. Located at the top of the Bluff and projecting above the Canopy Walk and River Stairs, the Balcony will offer commanding views of the Paddock Street Viaduct, the Trinity River Valley, Panther Island, and Bluff. The Balcony will also be a popular viewing location for fireworks and other river events.

Canopy Walk
The Canopy Walk will be an elevated walkway that leaves the Balcony and meanders down the Bluff at a modest slope, descending through the trees and providing new experiences at every turn. The Canopy Walk allows us to use the geography and geology of the Bluff itself to tell Fort Worth's unique stories. Stories range from the low sea that once covered this land and the marine fossils and limestone formations that form the Bluff to dinosaurs, the river, the peoples who lived here, cattle drives, oil and gas, and our aspirations for the future. The Canopy Walk will allow generations to enjoy and traverse the Bluff for the first time while we tell the rich stories of Fort Worth's heritage in the actual location where those stories continue to take place.

River Stairs
At the bottom of the Canopy Walk will be the River Stairs, another new, grand public space. The River Stairs will serve as a riverfront amphitheater, providing opportunities for performances, exercise, seating, event viewing, or a quiet break along the Trinity Trails. The River Stairs will be where people can rest and relax, fall in love, and celebrate special moments with friends and family. It is hoped that the River Stairs will provide a future pedestrian connection point between Downtown and Panther Island.

The Landing is at the bottom of the Canopy Walk, gracefully meeting the river road. This space widens like a river delta, welcoming visitors to the Trinity Trails or the Canopy Walk and what awaits above. The Landing will offer seating, educational exhibits, landscaping, and public art, a fitting way to begin or end the experiences created by the Heritage and Paddock Park projects.

An alternate course to the Trinity River Bottoms, Franklin Street gently descends a tree-shaded route to Taylor Street and the grand Major Ripley Arnold Statue. This pedestrian and bicycle path will be upgraded to include a more uniform and usable surface, enhanced lighting, and an exhibit that recognizes the El Corte Barrio that has housed Mexican-American families on the site for generations. The remains of the El Corte homes can be seen in the stone and concrete walls, steps, and foundations visible below the path. Franklin Street will tie into the Foyer, adding another access point from the trails to Heritage Park Plaza and Downtown.

Funding Goals
To date, programming, planning, engineering studies, and design have been generously funded by the Amon G. Carter Foundation with assistance from the City of Fort Worth, Streams and Valleys, Inc., Oncor, the Sid Richardson Foundation, and Robert Bass.
In May 2014, City of Fort Worth voters approved a bond package that included $1.5M for Plaza restoration efforts.
In August 2016, the Downtown TIF approved $1M towards the project.
In August 2020, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved $7.3M for pedestrian improvements surrounding the Tarrant County Courthouse and Heritage Park Plaza.
In addition, the RTC has indicated $8M of funding for the ADA pedestrian access to the river, subject to final project fundraising success.
Tarrant County Commissioner Roy Brooks has pledged $2M from the Tarrant County Precinct 1 Transportation fund towards transportation improvements around the Courthouse.
In May 2022, City of Fort Worth voters approved a bond package that included $13.5M for the Heritage and Paddock Park projects.
In May 2024, the Amon G. Carter Foundation pledged an additional $1M to support the planned renovations.
To date, $43M has been raised.
The DFWI fundraising goal (at the 30% design stage) is $55M. This includes an allowance for construction price escalations, contingencies, and $5M to establish a permanent endowment for long-term maintenance and repairs to be held by Downtown Fort Worth Initiatives, Inc.
Please help us preserve an important piece of Fort Worth's heritage. Click here to make a donation today or contact Andy Taft at to contribute or explore underwriting and naming opportunities.
Heritage and Paddock Park Partners:
Downtown Fort Worth Initiatives, Inc.
City of Fort Worth
Amon G. Carter Foundation
Tarrant County
Streams and Valleys
Sid Richardson Foundation
Historic Fort Worth, Inc.
North Texas Council of Governments
Arts Fort Worth
DFWII is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that provides a pathway for foundation grants, philanthropic donations, and other contributions to help fund charitable, educational, and public-purpose Downtown projects.
DFWII is an active partner in the continued evolution of Downtown. Notable projects include:
- DFWII is a partner and co-owner in Jennings Place, 172 unit, 12-acre, mixed-income residential development with Fort Worth Housing Solutions
- DFWII managed the Convention Center events plaza design (2002-3)
- DFWII master leased the UTA Fort Worth Center and facilitated UTA's occupancy (2007)
- DFWII developed and maintains the JFK Tribute in Fort Worth (2011-present)
- DFWII renovated and maintains General Worth Square (2011-present)
- DFWII renovated, maintains, and manages Burnett Park and holds a $4.5M endowment from the Burnett Foundation (2008-present)
- DFWII fundraised and commissioned the U3 Texas A&M expansion study (2021)
- DFWII fundraised and commissioned the U3 Texas A&M Fort Worth/Tarrant County Needs Assessment (2022)
- DFWII fundraised and commissioned the African American Museum concept workshop (2022)
- DFWII is leading the Heritage Plaza restoration design ($37M raised)